Monday, January 7, 2008

Learning Reflections

Consider how your learning has changed from your 8th grade year until now:

What have been the most important changes you have experienced?

What role has technology played in these changes?

How would you describe your learning style in English this year, and how is it different from past years/other classes?


CMeghan said...

Well, life sure has changed a lot since 8th grade! Hahaha, but really, as a person who thinks that maybe, one day, I'd like to be a kindergarten teacher, I think all the main points of learning haven't changed; we really do learn everything we need to know in kindergarten!

We learned to listen...which we still have to do, but nowadays listening requires willpower to overcome the exhaustion of a four-hour night sleep, and the determination to learn and understand.

We learned to share...which helps in a group project in high school. Sharing teaches to deligate tasks, and to remain even-tempered when you might end up doing a lot more than everyone else. Karma all comes back in the end ;)

But perhaps most importantly, we wondered when we were just little kindergarteners. Maybe we don't so much anymore, which is the trouble. I'm an old-fashioned sort of girl...I believe in hard copies of books, so that one can look back at the tear stain in the pages of Harry Potter when one found out a character died, or the faint outline of a drink ring on Pride and Prejudice where one left their soda that day in the summer. I like to see what notes someone has scrawled in the margins of a textbook, inserting their own directions (or sometimes insults, hahaha). Technology can eliminate wondering if it isn't used carefully...I mean, why wonder if animals cry? It's all on wikipedia. Why should you care why the moon stays out in the daytime? Google would know, if you ever had to know yourself. It's almost too easy.

But's that what makes it so beautiful? It's the simplicity, the natural ease of the "World Wide Library" that makes it so wonderful. We can reach out and find anything we want, whenever we want. That changes the way we wonder, but we wonder still. Because we're human, I suppose.

American Lit Honors makes me wonder, I must admit, with the questions we ask and the values we ponder. Heck, we could be Puritans, wondering if John Proctor is innocent. Or we could be a teenage girl on a laptop trying to understand and sympathize with the sins of Abigail Proctor. Time is irrelative to what we learn, which is what I love. Learning is just the same in American Lit Honors as it was in kindergarten...the thinking, the talking, the learning.

Too bad there's no nap time though hhahahaha!

(For those of you who are sort of interested, the daytime moon can actually be seen every day of the lundar calendar, except when its' full, new, and a few days before and after the new moon. The Full Moon is opposite the sun with the Earth between. The New Moon is dark, and therefore impossible to see. And the Cresents are often too light to see. Love yah all and have a great evening ;)

erikaw said...

The most important changes that I have made since the 8th grade would have to be the formations that I have made as a person. The way that I have changed in terms of school, that I work hard and know that IT IS going to pay off some day. Technology has played a HUGE part in that we have internet these days to do our researching for us instead of using books and such. U.S.B.. sticks/ flash drives has made it easier to get documents electronically from home to school and vis versa. My learning style this year has changed greatly in that technology has played a HUGE part in my education and learning environment. It is much "easier" I could say to have discussions and to "talk" to each other while at home through this blogging. I have never had this kind of technology before in my past english classes except for the occasional visits to the "computer lab" which is not the same as having a lap-top in front of me almost everyday!!!!

jordanc said...

Lot's of aspects of how I learn has changed since my 8th grade year. I feel like in middle school, the teachers would in a way "baby" the students and not really have them take responsibility for their own actions. Now, learning feels like it is up to me, if I want to learn something, then I will; if I don't want to learn something, then my teacher isn't going to wait around for me. Technology has helped so much with the way that I learn. Like Erika said, we no longer really need books for research projects because we have the internet (even if sometimes it isn't reliable). Last year we didn't have laptops in my English class, and now that I can type my notes up and do all of the work on the computer, I find that I am learning more. I feel like using the technology that is presented to us today, we are able to be more efficient in the classroom.

kenna_d said...

Oh goodness I agree with Meghan, life has changed so much from 8th grade academic wise and obviously in other ways. I have learned how to take a hold of my own learning which is huge because it doesn't make me dependent on a teacher to show me all the things in life that have to be learned. That is huge, because in the working world you don't have someone holding your hand.

I think that technology has had the largest and greatest effect on my English classes the last two years. I am finding that I like having things at my fingertips online. It makes life much easier because it creates a solid path to finding information faster (if you know where to look).

Class this year has had so much variety in everything that we do. We hardly ever do the same activity and I love that because somethimes I can have a very short attention span haha. I like this because once again we have more of a say in what we do, we are allowed to be creative. In my other classes teachers have a set way that they teach things and sometimes lessons and things get really boring.

I love 4th hour, I can't wait for this semester to get started!

zachf said...

I wish the 8th grade version of me could take this class for me. In my 8th grade honors English class I had the ability to run my mouth and maintain an A in the class, now as a sophomore, class is more demanding and I'm distracted by other work I have to take care of. Having said that, the use of technology has helped me stay organized throughout high school and I find my learning falls more on me. I have to take the initiative to take my learning to the next level and motivate myself to learn the material and be able to expand upon that in everything I do. I'll admit I've lost some of my motivation since 8th grade to be at the peak of my education...displaying that obviously with a good grade. I find myself not being able to spend as much time as I'd like on things I want to know more about because there's just so much other stuff I have to do. In 8th grade I'd find away to do what was necessary to grasp all the material I was learning about, now in high school there's just so much that we as students have to deal with. The truth is it won't get easier as i get older so now I find myself testing each channel to see which way is the best way for me to be effective in the classroom as well as when I'm at home studying. I find myself changing routines constantly to be able to an effective student. But sometimes I'll burn myself out at home then I'll be in school the next day half asleep during 4th hour. Past English classes have allowed me to have days to decipher a specific text with my classmates but in this class we just have so much more to get through. Well... welcome to high school.

I find that not just this class but high school in general has forced me to get out of my comfort zone, I used to talk a lot more but I find myself just trying to listen and pick up everything that I don't talk at all and it's messed up. So hopefully, I'll figure out a balance within the next few days so I can give 100% both in and out of the classroom.

Blair L. said...

Like Jordan said, teachers in highschool are not there to set everything up for you and hold your hand. You have to take responsibility for what you learn and how you choose to take advantage of your opportunity to succeed. This has been a major influence in changes I have experienced. I realize that I need to do my part becuase my future is in my hands.

Technology has played a major role in these changes. The ability to access information and communicate with others is a big part. As well as the new careers relying on the use of technology.

The learning style in English has been basically similar. We are exepcted to continue to grow as writers and readers. However, this year we have had more freedom. We have been able to include our opinion as well.

kyle said...

I can't think of anything extremely significant that has changed in my learning since 8th grade. It's still the same basic concept: sit around all day and listen to teachers babble (for the most part). The integration of laptops in the classroom was a nice change in the way I learn, and I like some of my teachers more, but for the most part my education has not changed much or been very important.
As I said before, laptops are a useful tool for learning (and other things), and have been the biggest change I have experienced. They help to expand the way teachers can drown you with useful (and not so useful) information.
This year (last semester) was the first time I used laptops in class, and I really like them. Laptops have made English a little more interesting, and in turn made class a little better for learning.

EmilyH said...

The most important changes i have experienced I think are just the ones that come naturally with high school; tougher teachers, more homework, no more slacking and still getting an A.
Speaking strictly in terms of English, it has changed a lot, and in many ways. The most prominent is of course the laptops, and how having the computers in class has changed everything about class, we use less paper, and I for one am far more organized!
This english class is different from the past because in the past my english classes have been alot of creative writing and letting your ideas flow from brain to paper without too many guidelines to hinder how the words end up. This year and last year were kind of a shock to me because it's all about guidelines, and creative writing had no place.

hannahs said...

I think a significant change I have experienced in my learning is the amount of participation expected from me as a student. Now, I am considered responsible for my own learning. Activities such as blogging to fish bowls challenge me to participate and contribute my own ideas to the class, which helps me to expand my understanding of the subject matter. In 8th grade I was not given the chance to take part in my learning as an individual. The amount of resources available to me because of the technology at Arapahoe has transformed my learning significantly. Text books are usually the only resource available to students at school, and they provide only a basic structure of the subject matter. Tools such as the internet provide several different points of view and approaches to one concept. Also, with the internet accessible in the classroom, students are able to connect with students from other schools, universities, and even countries. The unlimited network of ideas that can be created through this connection creates unlimited possibilities for students to better their learning. Overall, I think my learning has become more efficient because I have several resources available to me through a laptop.

matt said...

I think the biggest change for me is the teaching style. In eighth grade, we sat around and took notes while the teacher lectured us. Now, there is more of an interaction between the students and the teacher, but more importantly, amongst the students. I think this change is partially just the difference between high school and middle school, but I also think that it has been amplified by the "21st century learning" movement.
Also, in eighth grade, organization was a big issue because of the sheer volume of papers that we received from our teachers. Now, because of the laptops in the classrooms and the importance that has been put on technology, many of my teachers have their own web pages with everything that I need to know on them. This is wonderful for helping to stay organized, because al of the information has already been organized-in a way that you don’t have to carry all day, when you rarely use all of the paper that is given to you. However, this being said, the textbooks that we are assigned still need to be put online as well. Being online allows the books to stay updated with the most current information, saves schools money, avoids the worries of damaging books, helps protect the environment, and saves the student the hassle of carrying them around on their back.

Overall, the only way that English has changed for me is the fact that we now have laptops in the classroom and how we have more discussions.

Hannah J said...

Some of the most important changes that occurred since 8th grade would just be how I have matured. Being around different people and teachers that don't baby you along the way is a big change in just one year. I found that in one year (from 8th grade to 9th grade) that I had become a much different person and so had my peers.

I think some of the most important changes that I have experienced in English would be my writing skills. Holy crap. I ran across an essay I wrote in 8th grade about changing the rule of no gum chewing. It sort of sounded like a 2nd grader wrote it, instead of and Honors LA student. My writing skills have definitely developed since then.

I believe that technology gave me that ability. By being able to have the laptops in class and do activities such as the Live Blogging, I have been able to learn in a completely different way, which has made my learning style different. In past years, I was a totally visual person. Now, with the laptops, I have also been able to learn by listening, which I really wasn't able to do before. I can be reading something on the computer, and listen to Ms. Leclaire explain it to us at the same time and get a better understanding of the assignment at hand.

Hooray for Laptops!

Anonymous said...

My learning has definitely changed a great deal, especially since eighth grade. In middle school, I think, as stated here earlier, that learning was, in a sense, dumbed down for middle-schoolers. Like the point was just educating middle schoolers to the point where they are able to pass the course, if that makes any sense. Teachers maybe just wanted to expose middle schoolers to learning, to prepare them for high school, thinking that they do not necessarily need to apply a deeper learning style to their learning, yet, while in middle school. At least this is how it often came off to me. It seemed like we were not challenged enough as middle schoolers; the level for learning was set by the average slacker, rather than the average hard working student, or even the student that excel. This was frustrating, not because I was the hardest working student or anything, but because I felt like I could try my very least, and still get by. I wanted to express myself and show what I had been learning, but there was no apparent reason to. Education was just education, not a challenge to go above.

In high school, I have experienced a very different environment, where going above or striving to go above is encouraged and applauded. Where it is expected that people express themselves and apply what they are learning. This is a much healthier way for students to learn, in my opinion, because it more accurately expresses the importance of learning and it helps to shows how applicable our gained knowledge can be. I think that in high school courses, and more specifically, high school English courses, are much better at helping students to develop a way of learning and instilling a reason for them to excel or intend to go above average.

Technology has also aided in my learning throughout high school. Mainly in English classes, we have been allowed to use laptops and I feel that this helps us to use modern tools for learning, as well as allowing us to explore new mediums for learning. Laptops and technology in general, help us to broaden our learning horizons and help us to think more outside-the-box than if we did not have this technology at our fingertips. However, while technology can help a student learn, I think that it is ultimately up to the student and their outlook on learning that controls how and how effectively they will learn. It cannot be assumed that if we allowed every student to use a laptop at school, that they would automatically become better students. I think that technology is a good option and a good tool, but it is not the only one. I feel that instilling a personal purpose in education, instilling an interest in what a student is learning, and encouraging students to take what is already important to them and having them apply it to new information is what is most effective in helping students learn. Don’t get me wrong though, technology is definitely a big help in this…

Overall, technology and laptops have been very beneficial to my personal learning experience here at AHS, but I do not think that it would or will be, necessarily, as helpful to others. I think it is based on a more personal preference.

briang said...

Clearly my learning has changed greatly from my 8th grade year until now. Of course the laptops are have played a large role in that, but just computers in general. We use computers frequently at Arapahoe where as in middle school, my classes used the computer lab maybe a handful of times. One of the most important changes I have experienced is my perspective on learning. In middle school, classes are run by the teacher. The teacher would come up with the discussion questions and the teacher would basically tell us what everything meant. Now, I'm able to lead a discussion and interpret things in my own way.

Technology has played a large role in these changes. For example, this blog. Blogging allows everyone to post their own opinion and allows people to connect with other people to formulate stronger ideas. Technology has allowed me and others to access and communicate information faster and more effectively.

I agree with Blair. The expectations to grow as a reader and a writer have stayed the same each year in English. However, this class allows us to expand on that. Rather than the teachers always teaching, students now have a chance to teach and direct their learning.

I also agree sort of with Kyle. But the teacher’s job is to teach us and sometimes that requires some babbling. However, I believe in this class and other classes, the approach have changed based on the new technology and allowing students to direct classrooms.

Chelsea said...

Since 8th grade, my learning has changed in the sense that it has become more independent; more self-learned. As I've matured I have better learned how to prioritize and been more efficient. Since 8th grade I have experienced multiple new teachers with their new teaching styles, which has caused me to adapt. It has changed where before it was more strict and side by side teaching and correcting and now it is more guiding. More responsibility is placed on the student. Technology has played a large part in my learning. With the resources provided from the internet and computers, my learning has become more independent, self-motivated, and more advanced. Technology has caused me to learn new skills, provided new homework assignments, and brought new ideas. My learning style this year in English class are very independent and I feel depend much more on my maturity and responsibility, as well as my concentration. More trust is involved this year and many more challenges that push me intellectually.

Chelsea said...

Since 8th grade, my learning has changed in the sense that it has become more independent; more self-learned. As I've matured I have better learned how to prioritize and been more efficient. Since 8th grade I have experienced multiple new teachers with their new teaching styles, which has caused me to adapt. It has changed where before it was more strict and side by side teaching and correcting and now it is more guiding. More responsibility is placed on the student. Technology has played a large part in my learning. With the resources provided from the internet and computers, my learning has become more independent, self-motivated, and more advanced. Technology has caused me to learn new skills, provided new homework assignments, and brought new ideas. My learning style this year in English class are very independent and I feel depend much more on my maturity and responsibility, as well as my concentration. More trust is involved this year and many more challenges that push me intellectually.

chelseah said...

I definitely agree with what the majority is saying, in that education has changed drastically since the 8th grade. In middle school, I felt that it was a much stricter environment, and there was no form of trust given to the students, or responsibility, for that matter, when compared to what we are given now. I think that the middle school teachers were preparing you for the immense freedom that we gain when entering high school, so in that way, it was great preparation.

From the first day of freshman year, I have had the laptops in English, so right off the bat that was something to get used to. I adapted quickly, though, and now I cannot even remember my last English class without a laptop. They are so convenient, and everything you ever need to know is right at your finger tips. In a way, some may think that the teachers are giving us too much responsibility, but I think that we students really understand the great expectations they have of us, and we do not want to lose those privileges.

TyC said...

I agree with Zach on how my learning has changed since 8th grade. In middle school my grades were important to me, but they weren't the most important things in my life. I think I was probably just as dedicated to playing lacrosse and making friends as I was dedicated to getting good grades. In 7th and 8th grade I was almost sure that I wanted to play lacrosse throughout high school and college and now in 10th grade I have decided that I do not even want to continue playing. This made me realize that things you go through phases where things like sports and hobbies are very important, but your learning is something that you can carry with you throughout your entire life. In 8th grade, I was just getting excited for High School. In my sophomore year I am starting to look at colleges and trying to decide what my real passion is. Sometimes I wish I could be back in 8th grade where you didn't have to deal with all the stress of high school. But overall I believe that the stress is all worth it because high school is so much fun!

Declan "Danger" said...

Like Brian said, computers in general play a very large role in how our education has changed since middle school. Computers make everything more accessible, and have changed how I learn and study and such. One of the main differences I see is how the classes are lead. In middle school, teachers set us up for what we needed to do and basically held our hands and guided us the whole way. Now, we're much more independent. Computers have helped makes us more independent, because we can now go home and look at everything we could possibly want to know about what we did in class without the frantic searches through our notes and the stressed phone calls to figure out just exactly how to properly cite a quote that is longer than 3 lines. As everything becomes more accessible from home, we rely on our teachers less and less. Maybe someday we'll be taught by robots and our teachers' salaries can go to professional athletes. And order will be restored.

KariB said...
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KariB said...

Probably the biggest change I have noticed in my learning is the shift in the purpose for my learning. From what I remember, 8th grade was filled with memorizing technical elements of literature and learning how to follow a rubric for things like essays and worksheets. I have seen a noticeable, yet gradual, shift from defined and formula-like activities to deeper analysis and application to real life with an emphasis on making connections and "selling" your ideas to others.

This is where the technology piece comes in. The wikispace is a very applicable example of this. In the past, assignments were shared with oneself, possibly a parent, and the teacher. Through technology, nearly anyone can hear your opinions; they can shape and change the viewpoints of someone you have never met.

The biggest difference for me in my learning style comes not actually from how I complete the class, but the facet of literature that says there are no right or wrong opinions. There is no need to come to come to a consensus as there is in other subjects like math and science. Your ideas are just as credible as anyone else’s provided you back them up.

kfasold said...
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kfasold said...

From 8th grade my learning has changed a lot. The changes I have experianced are that I have to take more notes, focus on the big picture of things, I get help from my teachers, and that we now have laptops and rely on technology. In english this year we discuss a lot more than in any other class. Our thoughts and discussions mold our day and what we get out of different material.

Kjerstinl said...

there have been copious changes from learning in 8th grade to my learning now. One of the factors that has affected me the most is how the technology has helped create more interaction, only in different ways. It allows others to get involved if they do not feel comfortable to do so otherwise. This is through the blogging, what is being used this minute to react to these questions. This has affected me because in fishbowls for instance, it allows more of a variety of ideas that might not be talked about in the inner circle. Also, there are also a number of resources that can be accessed from the laptops we share. Although yes, some of the information on the internet can be questionable, it is easy to find certain pieces to be read and background information. It also allows the possibility of online texts. Technology has become an enhancer in my learning because it extends the possibilities while also making the learning interesting. The difference between learning now from earlier years is the fact that mainly, it's not the same thing over and over again. There are so many activities that we have done in the past two years, that would not even be possible before. We can create powerpoints in a class period, we created a movie presentation summarizing the books we read last year, we can share and flourish this information with others. Ultimately, in years before, I would just get bored and I felt that I was in a constant cycle of learning. now I feel that I've reached something new and exciting.

jimmym92 said...

Since my 8th grade year I have had to start telling what books are portraying and not just what is happening in the book. The most important change in all my classes is I need help sometimes with understanding work. Technology has made it easier because i can email teachers if I have questions.

ShannonH said...

I think my learning has changed for the better because of the laptops. They mey be more distracting, but i think they enhance our learning envoirnment. They help us learn more because of the access to informantion via the internet. In 8th grade, we wrote in cursive, and in pen, and wrote long papers for classes. Now we can get twice as much done in have the time because of the laptops.

Liz said...

Since 8th grade I have changed in school in many ways. It has become easier to talk in front of the class because my social skills have improved because of the change in my classes. Also, high school is way different then middle school because the teachers and students are given more responsibilty and space with what they do.
Technology has also changed my learning because it has made resources more avaliable to me and it makes me more knowledgeable to what is happening in the world.
Overall my learining has changed for the better since 8th grade.

Anonymous said...

Hello everyone. Fortunately learning does not involve battling through pneumonia. Just catching up!

So technology has definitely influenced my learning and mostly for the better. Of course I admit to getting minorly distracted by the laptops every once and a while. But that just means that more prevelent now is the necesity for the desire to learn. To be quite honest, you can pass through school and not learn at all if you don't want to. The most important thing that has changed in my learning is that technology has made it easier for me to learn but not necessarily for everyone else. So technology works for some, in some places, but not for everyone or ever class.